These pages contain information based on observations and casual research I did on various snail species, although I no longer keep any of the species described here. Most of the information here dates back to 2008 or earlier.
Apple Snail Health – Information on apple snail health conditions and treatment.
Apple Snail Species
- Pomacea insularum – information on P. insularum, it’s distinguishing characteristics, etc.
- “Salton Sea” apple snails – a brief overview of a species that is a recent addition to the pet trade.
Apple Snail Colors
- Colors in Marisa cornaurietis – list of known colors and color traits in Marisa cornaurietis.
- Color Genertics of Pomacea diffusa – a Mendelian model for color traits in P. diffusa (formerly P. bridgessii).
Other Freshwater Snail Species
- Cipangopaludina japonica – information on the “Japanese trapdoor snail.”
- Cipangoplaudina chinensis – information on the “Chinese trapdoor snail.”