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Something Kind of Like Asteroids

More fun with embedding Processing in WordPress. Use the mouse to guide your white, strangely circular space ship (space orb?) through the asteroid field. Click to fire your laser and blast apart things in your way, but use it wisely since it has a cool-down time and can cause debris to change trajectory unpredictably.

Simple Fractals in Processing

I was playing around this week with ways to demonstrate recursion in Processing and also looking into embedding small Processing sketches on the web. So, here is my first experiment, embedded using the processingjs wordpress plugin (I had to use version 1.0 and install manually; couldn’t get the newer version in wordpress’s plugins list to work for …

Working with MIDI on Mac (OS X)

Last modified: Update 13-Sept-2019: the information in this post (originally from Sept 2016) is still relevant for OSX 10.14. Reference to a new, easy-to-use software MIDI keyboard (MidiKeys) has been added. Note: this page describes setup for OS X 10.11-10.14. Some older versions like 10.10 and 10.9 are essentially the same where MIDI is concerned, but …

Vermetid Snails in the Aquarium

As a keeper of marine aquariums for many years, one of the more interesting categories of animals I’ve encountered are Vermetid snails. They are not your typical snails, as perhaps can be seen from the picture below. In breaking down my aquariums for a move recently, I discovered some nice examples of shells from a larger species …

Getting Started with Algorithmic Composing

I have been periodically been asked for advice on getting started with algorithmic or automated composition. Unfortunately though, I have not been able to answer all of the questions I have received in this regard, and so I thought it best to address some of the more common issues here. The following points are what I …

Of Time Leaks and Infinite Playback

Part of my work as a postdoc within the Yale Haskell Group in 2014 involved refining the playback implementation for the Euterpea library. As of Euterpea 2.0, the default MIDI playback implementation, play, supports sequentially infinite musical structures, but at the expense of allowing a time leak. This post will explain how that situation came to be and …